General recommendations & Site Rules

Below are recommendations that you need to consider at all times whilst on site, this would apply to any high-risk environment for coronavirus, including: COVID-19 testing site, Mobile Testing site, Isolation centers and Hospital facilities.

  • 2m Social distancing must apply at all times: To the extent possible, limit close contact with others, especially potentially infected persons.  When patrolling, keeping as much distance from people as possible is recommended
  • Face shield or Face mask must be worn at all times (exception green zone), ensure that the mask covers the nose and mouth.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, face and mask with unwashed hands to reduce the risk of exposure from contaminated surfaces.
  • Wash hands frequently, ensure to wash your hands often (optimally every two hours), for at least 20 seconds.  Use proper technique, shown earlier on this course.
  • Disinfect objects before and after use including phones, radio, scanner and etc.
  • Wash work clothes or Uniform at the end of the day, washing your uniform and drying at a higher temperature setting will provide an added measure of safety.
  • No car sharing when arriving or leaving the site, unless it is with a member of your household.
  • If you notice any symptoms (high temperature, coughing, body pains and etc..) you must self-isolate for 10 days immediately, you are not allowed to work if you are symptomatic. You are putting yours and your colleague’s life in danger if you continue to work when you have symptoms of coronavirus.
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