Hazards and Control Measures

As a security officer you will need to be aware of internal and external hazards whilst at duty, and the control measures that needs to be applied. Below are some hazards that you may encounter whilst on duty, please see the appropriate response which you must carry.


Physical/ Verbal abuse by members of the public or offenders

Control Measure:

As a security officer you must always remain professional and courteous at all times. At any points of conflict situation, you must follow the SAFER approach.

S – Step Back

A – Assess the situation

F – Find Help

E – Evaluate your options

R – Respond

Furthermore, all abuse, injuries and near miss must be documented and reported.

When assessing a situation, you must always consider the following when looking for a threat: POP

P – People (how many people involved, emotions of the people involved)

O – Object (any thing that can potentially be used as a weapon)

P – Place (look for any live wire, cables, wet environment that can cause damage)


Threat of weapon/ Sharp Object

Control Measure:

As a security officer you must follow a dynamic risk assessment at all times, and where there becomes a risk of injury, the offender must be released.

Security officer must use Open PALMS is a non-aggressive stance designed to help communicate to the other person that you do not want to confront or fight them, but instead you want to disengage and help them.

P–   Position

A Attitude

L Look and Listen

M – Make Space

S – Stance

If available, as a security officer you can use the Body worn video camera in all confrontational situations. Any dangers or threats of weapon must be documented and reported to your line manager. Furthermore, you must always use your conflict resolution training and you must always allow an offender to leave. 


Slip trips and falls

Control measure

Security officers must adhere to all safety signs, you must remain vigilant and aware of your environment at all times. You must report any surface or flooring defects to the management team, furthermore any spills or faulty lightening on the area must be reported. Also, remember to never run-on site under normal circumstances. 


Pursuit of offenders

Control measures

As a security officer you must never pursue suspects or anyone off site or across the car park.


Incorrect Stop and Search Method

Control Measures

Security officer must follow ASCONE before stop and search. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with ASCONE.

A – Approach

S – Selection

C – Concealment

O – Observation

N – Non-payment

E – Exit

Furthermore, you must never complete a search on your own. Female colleague must be present and must carry out the search on females. All searches must be documented and reported.



Control Measures

Security officer must be inducted to site including emergency procedures, and inducted on fire alarm systems including Fire extinguishers, fire systems and fire evacuation system. Furthermore, no smoking on site at all times.


Manual handling

Control Measure

Security officer should not take part in any manual handling activity or non-security tasks.

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