LSC Security Officer Responsibilities

As a Security Officer you ensure the safety of the area they are assigned to watch. Their duties include monitoring the premises, responding to emergency situations and keeping track of all incidents on-site.

Please see below for responsibilities that you must carry out during your shift

On arrival to site:

Always stay in full uniform as agreed by your line manager. Always remain in full uniform at all times, (i.e. black shoes, black trousers, white shirt, black tie, and black blazer)

You must keep your SIA License badge on display at all times, furthermore keep an ID Card with you at all times to verify your SIA badge.

You must not use personal mobile phones, money, keys and mobile phones must be left in the locker room or Security room.

Sign in, read the site files including assignment instructions and risk assessment, and familiarise yourself with the fire exit routes.

As part of data confidentiality, you should treat all security information with the strictest confidence and this must not be shared with anyone who is not authorised to have access.


You must report to the site manager daily, introduce yourself and find out what are his expectations and how you can support the site manager.

Always remain polite and professional, add a welcoming greeting and good service to improve customer service experience ·

You must comply with smoking restrictions and all legal, health and safety regulations. Furthermore, you are not allowed to consume alcohol whilst on duty or so close to your duty shift that you are impaired.

You must not leave the site during your shift; you must take all your breaks in your designated area.

Site inspections:

Carry out the routine security patrols and the other requirements of this Assignment Instruction and record in the Daily Occurrence Book.

Always follow SAFER approach during conflict situations, and never put yourself or any other person’s safety or health at risk; · You will be alert and always able to undertake your duties to the highest standards.

Always remain alert and vigilant for suspicious behaviour, packages or parcels, and make sure to report any findings in Daily Occurrence Book. Furthermore, report all near misses, hazard observations and incidents/accident where there has been an injury your direct to line manager.

All faulty equipment’s must be reported to the IT team, and to the site manager. You must not misuse the equipment’s and ensure to keep all items clean and in serviceable condition.

Always maintain good order on site and support colleagues against anti-social behaviour. Furthermore, you must support the team in escorting banned and undesirable individuals out of site.

Your responsibility is not to arrest shoplifters but to improve safety of colleagues and customers, deter ani-social behaviour, furthermore you must deter till snatches, trolley push outs and bulk theft.

Politely, but firmly, stop smokers from entering the premises with lighted cigarettes/electronic cigarettes.

End of Shift:

You must not leave site unmanned where applicable, inform your line manager and book off site.  

If officer is running late or no relief arrives you are to notify the control room as a matter of urgency.

Check that keys that are held are accounted for and sign the key register.

Handover all equipment to the incoming security officer.

Brief the incoming security officer on all events that have occurred during the shift and the location of any contractors on site.

Notify site manager before leaving site

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