Our policy and procedure ensures a proper conduct and professionalism from all Security Officers, and allows for all to have access to support in order to maintain the outstanding standards we hope to achieve. They have been designed to ensure you understand our core values and provide guidance when undertaking your duties on a daily basis.
Assignment instructions are very useful and it helps the security officers to be more confident in their job, and have a standard against which they can work. It also helps to the process to be more structured and professional. Assignment instructions include, health and safety assessments, emergency and site information, role and duties, key contact details, these will al be readily available to Security Officer on duty.
All Security officers will be subject to screening, any employee that will not meet our standards will not be employed. Screening process must be complete as soon as possible in order for you to continue working within our company.
Data protection is extremely important, as a security officer you will come across important documents and information on a daily basis. You must not share this information and ensure that data is protected at all times.
As a Security officer you will come across confidential information about our business, clients or employees, you must not share any of these information with anyone. Furthermore, it is not allowed to film/photograph or post in social media any work related incidents.
If you have any points of concerns then you must bring this to your line managers attention. They will support you through your concerns, however if you wish to raise a formal grievance then you must write to your line manager.
We have a strict policy to ensure a safe, healthy and productive working environment. You must be free from alcohol and drugs misuse in order to carry out your duties on a daily basis.