Risk Assessment Example 1

Wash your hands and put a stop to the spread of germs

What is the Hazard?

– Spreading coronavirus by not washing hands or by not hand-sanitising adequately.

Who is at Risk?

  • Customers
  • Operatives
  • Security officers
  • Contractors
  • Drivers
  • Visitors

What are the control measures for this hazard?

Follow guidance on cleaning, hygiene and hand sanitiser

Water, soap and drying facilities at wash stations

Information on how to wash hands properly and display posters

hand sanitiser for the occasions when people can’t wash their hands

What actions you can take as a security officer to control the risks?

– Monitor and supervise appropriately to make sure people are following controls.

– Make sure that signs are always visible to remind people to wash their hands

– Identify if and where additional hand washing facilities may be needed and report site Lead.

– If people can’t wash hands, guide them to use hand sanitisers.

– Report to site lead if the hand sanitisers are finished at a station.

– Report to site lead if anyone not complying to washing hands.

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