


By London Security College

What Security Guards Can and Can’t Do

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London Security College

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What Security Guards Can and Can’t Do in the UK: Know Your Rights

Security guards in the UK are crucial in maintaining order and ensuring people’s and property’s safety. However, their legal powers are limited and understanding what they can and can’t do is essential for the public and security professionals. In this blog, we’ll explore the UK security guards’ dos and don’ts, including their authority to detain, search, and remove individuals.

Can a Security Guard Physically Remove You in the UK?

Yes, security guards can physically remove someone from private property, such as a store, if they have a valid reason. However, they must use reasonable force. This means they cannot use excessive or unnecessary force when escorting someone off the premises. Physical removal is usually a last resort and only occurs when a person refuses to leave after being asked to do so.

Can Security Guards Search Your Bags in the UK?

No, security guards cannot search your bags without your consent. They may ask you to open your bag voluntarily, but you have the right to refuse. If you refuse, the security guard can ask you to leave or deny you entry to the premises. If they suspect you of theft, they can detain you and call the police, who have the legal authority to search your belongings.

Can a Security Guard Ban You from a Store?

Yes, a security guard can ban you from a store if they believe you have violated the store’s rules or committed a crime, such as theft. Once banned, if you attempt to return, you could be considered trespassing. The store management generally makes the decision, but security officers can enforce the ban by denying you entry.

Can a Security Guard Detain You in the UK?

Security guards can detain you, but only under specific circumstances. In the UK, they can make a citizen’s arrest under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 if they have reasonable grounds to believe they have committed a crime. This typically applies to cases like theft, where they can detain you until the police arrive.

Can a Security Guard Touch You?

Yes, security guards can touch you, but only in certain situations. They can use reasonable force to detain someone or to protect themselves and others. For example, if you resist arrest during a citizen’s arrest or pose a threat, they are allowed to use force, but it must be necessary and proportionate. Any excessive or inappropriate use of force could result in legal consequences for the security officer.

How Long Can a Security Guard Detain You?

A security guard can detain you for a reasonable period, which usually means until the police arrive. There is no specific time limit, but the detention should be as short as possible. The guard must call the police immediately to ensure the situation is handled lawfully.

Can a Security Guard Search Your Bag?

No, but security guards can only request to search your bag with your permission. They can ask, but you are not obligated to comply. If they suspect a crime, they can detain you and call the police; police can search.

What Security Guards Can and Can’t Do in the UK

Security guards have specific legal responsibilities, but their powers are limited. Here’s a summary of what they can and can’t do:

What Happens in the Case of a False Stop? Is This Allowed?

Security guards must have reasonable grounds to stop or detain someone. If you believe you were stopped for no valid reason or falsely accused of a crime, this could be considered a “false stop.” This is not allowed, and the security officer could face legal action if they stop you without cause.

What They Can Do

  • Detain someoneusing a citizen’s arrest if they witness a crime like theft.
  • Ask individuals to leaveprivate property if they are breaking the rules.
  • Call the policeand cooperate in providing evidence, such as CCTV footage.
  • Use reasonable forceto protect themselves, others, or property.

What They Can’t Do:

  • Search bags or individualswithout consent.
  • Arrest individualsbeyond a citizen’s arrest; only the police have full arrest powers.
  • Use excessive force; any physical intervention must be reasonable and justifiable.
  • Detain someone for an extended period; detention must be brief until the police arrive.

What Can Security Guards Legally Do?

In the UK, security guards can legally:

  • Detain individualssuspected of committing a crime under a citizen’s arrest.
  • Remove peoplefrom private property if they are causing a disturbance or breaking the rules.
  • Use reasonable forcewhen necessary to protect themselves or others.
  • Request cooperation, such as asking to search your bag, but they cannot force you to comply.


UK security guards are essential for maintaining safety, but their powers are limited by law. They cannot act like police officers, and their actions must be reasonable and justifiable. Whether you are a member of the public or a security professional, it’s crucial to understand the legal boundaries of what security guards can and cannot do.

For more information about the role of security officers and legal requirements, consider enrolling in one of the security training courses at London Security College.


  • UK:
  • Security Industry Authority (SIA):
  • Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984:


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